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Action Alert: IP 17

Writer's picture: Sarah AndrewsSarah Andrews

Date: May 18th, 2022

To: All League Members

From: Rebecca Gladstone, LWVOR President

Marge Easley, Gun Safety Portfolio Chair

Signatures Needed for IP 17, Safer Firearm Owners and

Less Lethal Ammunition

As we all know, gun violence has reached a crisis point in our state and in the nation. It is up to all of us to find solutions. Several days ago, the LWVOR Board voted to endorse IP 17, a statewide gun safety initiative sponsored by Lift Every Voice Oregon (LEVO). The initiative is now in the signature-gathering phase with the goal of being placed on the November ballot. The campaign is relying heavily on volunteer support, and we are asking League members for their help before the July 6 deadline. Here’s a brief summary of the initiative:

  • Requires a permit-to-purchase for all firearm purchases, which includes classroom and live-fire safety training. This is the gold standard for gun safety regulations and has a proven track record of reducing gun violence where enacted.

  • Requires a background check before purchasing a firearm, and no sale is complete before the check is completed.

  • Includes an improved database system to assist the tracking of guns that are lost, stolen, or used to commit crimes.

  • Prohibits the manufacture, sale, transfer, and possession of magazines over 10 rounds, with exceptions for law enforcement and military. Nine states and D.C. have already enacted such bans.


  • If you’re willing to gather multiple signatures, click “Train to Gather Signatures” and follow the instructions provided.

  • If you’d like to download and sign a one-signature petition sheet, please click “Sign Initiative Petition from Home.” After signing, you must also complete the circulator information at the bottom before mailing to the address provided.

  • Please get the word out to friends and family members about IP 17 and how they can be part of the solution to prevent gun violence.

Questions? Please contact Marge Easley,

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