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President's Newsletter - February 2023

Dear LWVOR Members and friends,

February is a busy month for us! Action is “in” the Legislature (see building photos!). Voter Service will run Vote411 for the 2023 primary! Youth Outreach is preparing for an odd-year Student Mock Election.

This newsletter has a link to reserve rooms at The Graduate in Eugene for LWVOR Convention, May 19-21, 2023. Please try to join us. We have missed so many opportunities to see each other, now at the third anniversary of COVID. Attending virtually is an equity issue so we are working on hybrid attendance, too. There are trade-offs either way, we understand and will do our best.

Thank you for being part of the team by reading and helping as you are able!

Yours In League!

Becky Gladstone

LWVOR President

This month...



Is the biennial State Meeting of the League of Women Voters of Oregon, which is held on alternate years to the State Council. First Call is issued so that local Leagues can begin to plan and discuss matters that will be presented at the convention.


The 2023 State Convention will be held Friday through Sunday, May 19-21, 2023 in Eugene, OR at The Graduate Hotel.


League of Women Voters of Lane County


The convention shall consider changes to the Bylaws; shall consider and authorize for action a program; shall elect the president, first vice-president, secretary, three directors (two-year terms), and a chair and two members of the nominating committee; shall adopt a budget for the ensuing year; and shall transact such other business as may be presented.


The convention shall consist of the Board of Directors of the LWVOR and delegates chosen by members through the local Leagues. Each local League shall be entitled to two delegates for the first 40 members or fewer. If possible, one delegate should be the President. An additional delegate is allowed for every 20 additional members or major fraction (10 or more) thereof belonging to the local League as of January 31, 2023. Each approved State Unit of members-at-large (MALs) shall be entitled to one delegate. For those MAL’s not in an approved unit, MAL representation at convention shall be one delegate for every 20 MALs or major fraction (10 or more) thereof. If there are fewer than 10 MALs, the interest of the MALs shall be represented by the LWVOR Membership Chair.


Any member of the LWVOR (in a local League, a State Unit, or as a general MAL) may attend as an observer. Observers may not vote, but may, upon recognition of the Chair, have the privilege of the floor. All League members are urged to exercise this privilege, and members are encouraged to register as observers.


Registration fees will be announced in the next update.

Hotel reservations can be made online or by phone:

Studies, Upcoming and Ongoing!

Focus now on submitting materials to allow adequate time for board consideration this month. Send study and concurrence proposals to Study Chair Annie Goldner by March 1 so the board has time to read them before our March 10 board meeting. We have been reaching out since August to promote your campaigning for study (or concurrence) proposals, to build support among local Leagues for passage at convention in May. Send to Studies Chair Annie Goldner,

The Election Methods study update is in final review. We are pleased to announce board adoption:

  • Biocides and Pesticides position (study).

  • Child Care re-study, updating much needed since 1988, no position change.

Voter Service

Thanks to our strong local League network, thanks to Chair Peggy Bengry, Voter Service Reps have committed to gathering candidate and local ballot measure information for the May 16, 2023 primary election! The LWVOR Board has voted to sponsor state-wide access to, covering the $6,000 annual subscription fee for this calendar year, expanding our usual even-year coverage.

Youth Outreach

The Youth Outreach (YO!) committee is expanding opportunities for the Oregon Student Mock Election (OSME) local versions for this 2023 Primary! The committee is establishing a local League liaison network. To help develop an active presence in your local schools, contact Diana DeMaria,


The Legislative session is underway in the third week and Action is galloping with hail and farewell for a number of volunteer transitions. Basically, we can always use more help! Thanks to Chair Alice Bartelt organizing! Please read the LR (Legislative Report) and consider helping out.

We are meeting weekly as a committee, processing and presenting testimony, collaborations, and preparation for a Day at the Legislature. If you can help, please contact our staff,

This powerful and energetic group of issue advocates needs support from organizers who can help with committee logistics. Many issues need coverage. We continue to welcome volunteers who want to learn our process to observe and learn to cover additional specific topics. Subscribe for the really useful weekly email Legislative Report summaries and see the comprehensive reports online.


Your League Comms!

Stay informed on League happenings at the state and local levels! You can sign up and manage your LWVOR newsletter subscriptions directly. Don't miss our event updates, Action Alerts, newsletters, and other important information. Questions? Contact our staff at


Capitol Access

Curious about Capitol building access and seismic work? Senator Dick Anderson’s staff featured Capitol construction maps in their newsletter. It inspired me to take these photos recently!

This is House-side access, only for exit by the public.

Underground staff and member parking is closed so these street parking spaces are reserved for them.

Let’s appreciate the construction sentiment, “Get Us There Safe”!

This is Oregon and we really care about our trees!

This public art was displayed sitting on temporary cushioned mats.


Civics for Adults Update, January 29, 2023

** Portland League member Donna Cohen shares her Civics Education information and has served on our Election Methods Update committee.


Citizen Activism 101—Making Change Happen

Sunday, Feb 5, 2:30-4pm. PST. Hillsboro Public Library [OR]. Virtual

Register: WCCLS website if WCCLS patron or TBA

§ Historical perspective

§ Examples of successful advocacy

§ Types of advocacy

§ Who makes the rules?

§ Tools / strategies for change

§ Engaging with government / lobbying for influence

§ Tracking legislation in the Oregon Legislature and having your say on bills! Legislature has just begun!

Beyond Voting: Elections and Campaign Finance

Wednesday, Feb 15, 3pm. EST! Stoughton Public Library [MASS]. Virtual

Register: One week in advance; check website

§ Right to vote?

§ Voter suppression

§ Election 2024 issues

§ Redistricting / gerrymandering

§ Electoral College

§ Alternative voting systems

§ Campaign financing issues and tracking


If you've been confused about CRT, read this article, summing up how divorced from reality it is. School Ends Dr. Seuss Reading When Students Recognize Its Racism Lesson


See League testimony supporting SB 579 in the Oregon Legislature now, to allow those who are incarcerated to vote. It is easy to submit written testimony [aka your opinion] or to sign up for in-person or virtual testimony now. [We have one of the best systems in the country for doing so!]. Just go to the link and look around: information, sign up, follow the bill via email alerts, etc. It's a hotly contested topic. Check out what people have submitted as testimony.


Donna L Cohen, MLIS, MEd

Portland, Oregon

Workshops: To Enhance Civic Knowledge and Inspire Political Engagement Ask your local library or community group to sponsor a workshop! See Flyer

“My philosophy is very simple. When you see something that is not fair, not right, not just – stand up, say something, speak up!” Rep. John Lewis

Recommended Reading

My husband and I had just visited and seen the 9th, 10, 14th, and 15th US House votes, trying to elect the House Speaker, now Kevin McCarthy. The drama was intense! Thanks to 4th CD Rep Val Hoyle for the photo of us up in the gallery. By 2am on Saturday, January 8th when all of the House Congressional members were finally sworn in, it was very crowded!

Congratulations to all, we’re counting on you!

Nancy Pelosi: A study in power

Pelosi was part of the first generation of women to take office by winning on their own merit. By the time she was pushing 80, she’d be supporting, and sometimes clashing with, another generation of politically ambitious women who didn’t want to play the old games or follow the old rules.

Page delves into the issues of gender and sexism with depth and nuance, illustrating how social norms for women, and Pelosi’s alternate embrace and then defiance of them, shaped her rise — and how she learned early on not to talk about sexism as an impediment, lest she be branded a whiner and excuse-maker. But that doesn’t mean she didn’t notice or resent it.

“There had never been another politician at her level who wore Armani suits and four-inch Manolos,” Page writes. “In a slight she never forgot, Time magazine didn’t put her on its cover through her entire first tenure as Speaker, despite the history she HAD made. Two weeks after the 2010 midterms gave back the House majority to Republicans, the magazine’s cover featured a flattering photo of John Boehner and the headline ‘Mr. Speaker.’ ”

Thank You for reading!

Becky Gladstone

President, LWVOR

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