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Legislative Report - Week of 5/8

Social Policy Team


Coordinator: Jean Pierce  

  • After-School Care and Children’s Service: Katie Riley

  • Behavioral Health: Karen Nibler, Stephany Aller

  • Education: Jean Pierce

  • Equal Rights for All: Jean Pierce, Kyra Aguon

  • Gun Safety and Gun Issues, Rights for Incarcerated People: Marge Easley

  • Hate and Bias Crimes: Claudia Keith, Becky Gladstone

  • Higher Education: Jean Pierce

  • Immigration/Refugee/Asylum: Claudia Keith

  • Health Care: Christa Danielsen,

  • M110 Public Safety, Justice Issues: Karen Nibler

  • School-Based Health Centers: Chloe Acosta, Anai Beng

  • Housing: Debbie Aiona, Nancy Donovan

  • Gender-Related Concerns, Reproductive Health, Age Discrimination: Trish Garner

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By Debbie Aiona and Nancy Donovan

Despite the controversy over sensitive bills and the walkout by Senate Republicans since last May 3, legislators continue to hold committee meetings with the intention of meeting their constitutional obligation to adjourn after 160 days, which is Sunday, June 25 at midnight. This past week many important housing bills were passed by both the Senate and House. 

SB 702 Adopts training for real estate appraisers and assistants: This bill requires inclusion of information on state and federal fair housing laws and implicit and racial bias in training for real estate appraiser certification. The League submitted testimony in support. On May 8 the House, on third reading, passed this legislation.

SB 611 B Modifies the maximum allowable residential rent increase for designated units: This bill will change from 7% plus the September annual 12-month average change in the Consumer Price Index (CPI), to the lesser of either 10%, or 7% plus the CPI. This will limit rent increases on tenancies (other than week-to-week tenancies) to not more than once in any 12-month period. This also applies to the rent increase limit to units from which a tenant was evicted. A May 4 work session was held by Senate Rules with a do pass.

SB 599 A Allows tenants to operate home-based childcare: requires a landlord to allow a renter to use a dwelling unit for a family childcare home if it is certified or registered with the Office of Child Care. The landlord can require a tenant to pay for improvements necessary for certification and carry some form of liability coverage. House Early Childhood and Human Services held a May 8 work session and made a do pass recommendation. 

HB 3462 Emergency housing for all: This bill will extend access to emergency housing for all, regardless of immigration status, when the federal government declares a state of emergency in Oregon. Housing access would comply with the federal Fair Housing Act. Senate Housing and Development held a May 8 work session and made a do pass recommendation.

HB 3042 Protections for residents of housing with expiring affordability contracts: will prohibit landlords from terminating a tenancy in the three years after the housing has been withdrawn from an affordability contract. It also would limit rent increases to no more than annually, and those increases could be no greater than what is allowed by law. Senate Housing and Development held a May 8 work session and made a do pass recommendation. 

HB 3151 Manufactured housing dispute resolution and tenant legal aid: prohibits landlords from requiring tenants to pay fees for improvements, pay system development charges, or cover the cost of repairs or improvements that cannot be removed when the tenant moves away. Senate Housing and Development held a May 8 work session and made a do pass recommendation.

HB 2680 A Screening fees changes for rental applications: requires a landlord to refund screening fees within 30 days if the landlord fills the unit before screening the applicant or if the application is withdrawn before the screening takes place. If the landlord fails to return the fee, damages the applicant may recover range from $150 to $250 under the new legislation. Senate Housing and Development held a May 8 work session with a do pass recommendation.

Immigration, Refugee & other Basic Rights

By Claudia Keith

Bills we are supporting or following:

HB 2957 A in JW&Ms, -4 Staff Measure Summary. Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals. Fiscal. League Testimony.

HB 3176 A: ‘Welcome and Reception’ program for immigrants, refugees, and asylum seekers, In JW&Ms with 9/1 vote. Staff Measure Summary. Public Hearing was March 8. Fiscal .

Bills moved from Policy Committee to JW&Ms:

SB 627: Funding for universal (legal) fees for non-documented individuals ($15M) Sen Lieber. In JW&Ms with a partisan vote. The League has supported this policy/funding category in the past. Fiscal Analysis.

Bills of Interest or possible League support:

SB 849 A Public Hearing 2/28 with -1 amendment. Preliminary SMS -1:. Now in JW&Ms. Fiscal $20M grant fund. Requires professional licensing boards to provide culturally responsive training to specified staff members, publish guidance on pathways to professional authorization for internationally educated individuals and waive requirement for English proficiency examination for specified internationally educated individuals.

Basic Needs

SB 610 A: Now in JW&Ms. Establishes Food for All Oregonians Program within Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), Fiscal, Staff Measure Summary.

HB 2990 A: Now in JW&Ms. Resilience Hubs. Directs Oregon Health Authority to develop and implement grant programs to support resilience hubs and networks in Oregon.Fiscal Statement

Other Bills

SB 216 A 5/8 governor signed. Related to data collected by the Oregon Health Authority (OHA), request of Governor Kate Brown. OHA set a goal of eliminating health disparities by 2030 including those based on race, ethnicity, language, or disability (REALD) and sexual orientation or gender identity (SOGI).

HB 2905: 5/9. work session, vote 5,0,0,2. Expands the list of individuals whose histories, contributions and perspectives are required to be included in social studies academic content standards and in related textbooks and instructional materials. In Senate Committee Awaiting transfer to the President’s Desk.

SB 421 A Work session 3/30 moved to JW&Ms with 6/1 vote, establishes a youth advisory council. Prescribes youth standards advisory council membership and duties. ODE to establish a work group to establish member selection process. Staff Measure Summary, Fiscal

 SB 613: Creates Commission for Indigenous Communities. In Senate Rules. 

SB 612 A Establishes Indigenous Language Justice $2.5M Fund. Requires nonprofit organization in this state to serve as fiscal agent to receive disbursement of moneys for purposes related to supporting Indigenous languages interpretation in this state. In JW&M.

SB 911 Creates Commission for Original Peoples from South America, Central America and Mexico. Still In Senate Rules, WS was 3/28. fiscal

Other Topics

Oregon announces it will stockpile abortion drug – 4/20/23 - Oregon Capital Chronicle. The Washington legislature passed a bill related to this topic Governor Inslee administration submitted the request and drugs were purchased in March. Lawmakers briefed on WA plan to distribute abortion pill | The Seattle Times. Washington state purchases three-year supply of abortion pill | 4/4/23 - Reuters. LWVOR corresponded with Oregon Planned Parenthood on Apr 11 concerning this topic. LWVWA supported SB5768 . The Washington bill was posted 4/5 and signed by the governor 4/27.

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