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Legislative Report - Week of 4/10


By Anne Nesse

The Governor’s Literacy Initiative, HB 3198 -3 held a public hearing on 4/3 and a work session that passed this Bill unanimously to the floor. See LWVOR testimony in support.

Rep. Reynolds was in House Education to voice her support for the Bill amendments that provide new support for early childhood education, age 0-5. She stated ‘that the US spends far less on early learning than any other developed nation, and that this Initiative will only begin to address the problem in Oregon.’

The Initiative is proposed to start this summer and the entire program will begin with a $120 M budget. OSBA stated that utilizing grants should incentivize school districts. COSA and the ESD representatives stated they might work together to provide support for smaller districts. Additional funding for teacher training might be required. It was noted that what is happening at school must happen at home as well, if this is to be entirely successful.

Senate Education had difficulty passing to the floor the equally important Governor’s Bill SB 1045, relating to improvements in student academic performance as a result of improvements in educational quality governance with state oversight; and declaring an emergency. It was admitted that this was submitted late in the session, with less time to work. The Bill did pass, but is headed to Rules for further study. Sen.

Frederick stated Federal and State Law should permit consequences of failure to comply for school districts. Sen. Dembrow reminded us that only a few districts seem to have this problem of non-compliance to law, maintaining excellence in educational policy, and maintaining studies of equity in education; while the majority of school districts are in compliance.

Senate Education sent a large number of bills to the floor 4/4:

Of note are the following two library Bills, attempting to restore losses in school librarians and greater broadband service to rural libraries:

SB 885, appropriates moneys from the General Fund to the State Library for the purpose of hiring a consultant to assist libraries to apply for federal monies for the purpose of providing improved broadband access. A prior public hearing noted this significant problem.

SB 1075, directs DOE to establish school media program standards and provide technical assistance related to those standards.

SB 262 -2, HECC continuation of Oregon Promise Grants for Community College, to students of low income, improving the focus of the funds for those who need this.

SB 473, directs school district boards to adopt prevention curriculum that addresses child sex trafficking. A question was asked why this could be done before 2026, unlike other curriculum bills?

SB 269, directs the Department of Corrections HECC to enter into understanding regarding the correctional education system.

SB 270 -1, authorizes an adult in custody to enroll in academic program at any community college in state, any distance learning academic program or any other higher education academic program that adult in custody applies for and is accepted into, provided that enrollment in academic program is consistent with administrative rules and regulations adopted by Department of Corrections.

SB 278, requires separate calculation of virtual public charter school ADMw if the school district that sponsors virtual public charter school had decreased in ADMw as compared to previous school year, to avoid over or under payments.

SB 283 -4, DOE and workforce study committee Omnibus Bill to determine how to address workforce shortage in education. All requests are not yet printed.

SB 517 -1, prohibits licensing board, commission or agency from denying, suspending or revoking occupational or professional license solely for the reason that applicant or licensee was convicted of crime or subject to qualifying juvenile adjudication that does not substantially relate to specific duties and responsibilities for which license is required.

SB 549 -2, directs Oregon Health Authority to modify amounts of grants for school-based health centers for inflation.

SB 575 -2, directs DOE to develop and implement a statewide education plan for students who are eligible for special education and who have experienced disproportionate results in education due to historical practices.

SB 596, requires school districts to submit specified information to ODE related to talented and gifted children.

SB 600, appropriates moneys to HECC for distribution to Oregon Office for Community Dispute Resolution at University of Oregon.

SB 658 -1, establishes pilot program to provide funding to school districts for purposes of increasing access to schools by homeless students and improving academic achievement of homeless students.

SB 768 -2, requires DOE to conduct study to determine feasibility of collecting student course grade history in grades 6 through 12.

SB 923 -1, requires school districts to designate a person's school or program of enrollment, so that all students are a part of some database of responsibility.

SB 922 -1, differentiates certificate of attendance in school, versus credits earned for diploma.

SB 1050, aligns implementation date of academic content standards for Holocaust and genocide studies with implementation date of academic content standards for ethnic studies, and allows for funding for teacher training.

SB 1082, requires HECC to establish a project connecting adults in custody and former adults in custody to community colleges, public universities and apprenticeship programs.

SB 489, eliminates restrictions on payment of unemployment insurance benefits to certain nonprofessional educational workers within the state educational system.

SB 523 -1, requires HECC plan regarding Registered Nurse to Bachelors Degree Nurse Programs throughout our state.

The House Education Committee sent the following Bills to the floor 4/3:

HB 2739 -4, creates an Advisory Committee of experts to assist with the State School Fund budget.

HB 2767 -2, establishes requirements for approving recovery schools.

HB 3199 -2, requires DOE to convene an advisory group to review physical education requirements for certain students in grades six through eight.

HB 3288 -1, directs Oregon Health Authority to adopt uniform standards related to collection of specified data for DOE, i.e. disabilities, languages spoken, etc.

HB 3348 -1, directs DOE to study impact, cost and feasibility of implementing Salem-Keizer Threat Assessment System in school districts statewide to help prevent school threats.

HB 3595 -2, establishes factors to be considered when Superintendent of Public Instruction enters into contract with ESD or school district to provide educational services to youths in Youth Corrections Education Program or Juvenile Detention Education Program.

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