Legislative Report - Week of 5/22

Governance Team
Coordinator: Norman Turrill
Campaign Finance Reform: Norman Turrill
Cybersecurity Privacy, Election Issues, Electronic Portal Advisory Board: Becky Gladstone
Election Systems: Barbara Klein
Redistricting: Norman Turrill, Chris Cobey
Voting Rights of Incarcerated People: Marge Easley
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By Norman Turrill, Governance Coordinator, and Team
Campaign Finance
No bills on campaign finance have yet been scheduled for a hearing and are unlikely to be scheduled considering the walkout in the Senate. For campaign finance reform, the League wants true reform without loopholes for large special interest organizations.
People Not Politicians has started collecting signatures on IP 14 petitions downloadable from its website. Thousands of signatures have been collected, but more donations are needed.
Cybersecurity and Legislative Delays
By Rebecca Gladstone
Sine die is technically imminent as the Speaker invoked House Rule 8.15(6) and the Senate President, Senate Rule 8.16 on May 23, a full month before the projected final session date, June 25. This reduces the 72-hour advance public hearing notice and 48 hours for all other meetings to 24-hours. It is hard to know what we can effectively influence with no news of the Senate walkout abating. We are standing by, watching carefully.
Please contact your State Senator and Representative to encourage them to support these bills for cybersecurity and election software updates (outdated software is a security risk):
HB 2490: This cyber omnibus bill awaits second and third Senate floor readings, scheduled and subject to change. The League urges maximum protection of public health, safety, and the environment. Defending our critical infrastructures is at stake (our testimony).
SB 167 includes election software updates. Outdated software is a cybersecurity risk. See our testimony in support, 2023 and 2019: “These aging computer programs are like the roof starting to leak. We see evidence of strain and do not want to wait further to begin remedial work from scratch in 2021”- League testimony, HB 2234 (2019).
HB 2052: This Attorney General’s Data Broker bill was assigned to W&Ms Transportation and Economic Development on May 22. League testimony in support was filed before the current -7 amendments.
We are also concerned that these cybersecurity bills stopped for lack of a Senate quorum.
HB 2107 A was re- rescheduled for Senate floor reading on May 30, after passing in the House, 34 to 25. See earlier reports for this Oregon Health Authority extension of automatic voter registration.
HB 2806, relating to public meetings and cybersecurity, was re- rescheduled to May 30 and 31, with dates subject to change. See our testimony.
HB 2049: is not yet assigned to a W&Ms subcommittee, referred March 3 Do-Pass with amendments, A-Engrossed. See our testimony in support.
HB 3127: We are following this “TikTok” bill, relating to the security of state assets. Was re- rescheduled for May 30 & 31, dates subject to change.
SB 619 A: This Attorney General’s Data Broker bill had a May 24 work session in W&Ms Public Safety, no vote published. It passed Sen. Judiciary April 3, went to W&Ms April 12, with Do Pass with amendments by prior reference. See our testimony.
SB 1073 A was referred to W&Ms April 10, to establish a state Chief Privacy Officer (CPO). See our supportive testimony including related bills and the hearing video, details in previous reports. Not yet assigned to a subcommittee.
SB 510 Enrolled: The Senate President has signed this Public Records Advocate and Council funding bill, after passing from the House floor May 23, 45 ayes, 1 excused, and the Senate floor April 17, 28 ayes, 1 excused.
HB 2112 Enrolled is an updated public records law, with League support, see our testimony.
SB 216 Enrolled: We are pleased to see enrollment of this bill to protect personal data in health care business with public agencies.
Curry CO computer system ‘starting from scratch’ after ransomware attack, OPB, May 15, 2023
Oregon’s Curry CO determined to move forward after ransomware attack, OPB, May 19, 2023
Vermont Cybersecurity Council to Extend Protection Beyond State Gov, GovTech.com, May 15, 2023
Cyberattacks on City and Municipal Governments, Cyber Defense Magazine, May 17, 2023
Utah cyber audit finds shortfalls across state, Statescoop.com, May 19, 2023
Organizations reporting cyber resilience are hardly resilient: Study, CSO Online, May 18, 2023
Oregon leads $2.5 million multi-state settlement with EyeMed over data breach affected millions nationwide. KTVZ.Com May 17, 2023
A different kind of ransomware demand: Donate to charity to get your data back, Cyberscoop.com, May 18, 2023
Dallas says it 'will likely take weeks to get back to full functionality' after ransomware attack, City of Dallas, TX, The Record, May 18, 2023
Rights of Incarcerated People
By Marge Easley
Adults in custody will now be afforded more educational opportunities with the House passage of SB 270 Enrolled on May 23. The bill authorizes the Department of Corrections (DOC) to enter into agreements with any community college or post-secondary academic program to offer instruction to adults in custody, as long as enrollment is consistent with DOC administrative rules and federal Pell Grant regulations.
Ethics Issues
By Chris Cobey
HB 2038 A: Requires statement of economic interest to include certain information about sources of income for business in which public official or candidate, or member of household of public official or candidate, is officer, holds directorship or does business under if source of income has legislative or administrative interest and 10 percent or more of total gross annual income of business comes from that source of income. Prohibits candidate or principal campaign committee of candidate from expending campaign moneys for professional services rendered by certain businesses required to be listed on candidate's statement of economic interest. Creates exceptions. 5/23: House Rules work session scheduled.
SB 168 B: Expressly prohibits public employees, while on job during working hours or while otherwise working in official capacity, from promoting or opposing appointment, nomination or election of public officials. 5/19: From House Rules work session 5/18; recommendation: Do Pass with amendments and be printed B-engrossed; 5/22: House second reading.
SB 661 Enrolled: Prohibits any lobbyist from serving as chairperson of interim committees, or certain legislative work groups, or legislative task forces. Provides exceptions. 5/16: Passed House, 57-0-2-1; 5/18: Awaiting Governor’s signature..
Election Methods
By Barbara Klein
HB 2004 A (a Ranked Choice Voting bill) was scheduled for the 3rd reading and voted on by the House members on May 23, 2023. The bill passed (35 yea, 25 nay), and was sent to the Senate. The details of the -2 amendment were summarized in the governance area of the previous LWVOR Legislative Report.
The RCV coalition supporting HB 2004 A met with members and leadership of the Oregon Association of County Clerks on May 24. LWVOR took part in that meeting with praise for the clerks, and recognizing our shared interests in protecting the vote. LWVOR shared with the clerks our view that the RCV system protects the voice of voters in several ways.
As Sine Die was declared imminent, and a walkout of Senate members continuing, it is unclear (but doubtful) if the bill will be voted on in this session. More input from the clerks was sought in consideration of a short-session bill early next year. Briefly discussed was the RCV initiative, IP 27, which would expand the provisions and offices covered by the current bill above.
Since our previous report, IP 26 (constitutional amendment by All Oregon Votes) received a certified title, “Amends Constitution: Changes election processes. All voters/candidates for certain partisan offices participate in same nomination procedure.” (This is similar to the certified ballot title for IP 16, which All Oregon Votes appealed to the Supreme Court, but which the Court approved without change. IP 16 is not yet listed as withdrawn.
There is nothing further to report on two additional election reform ballot initiatives: IP 11 (measure on statewide STAR -Score Then Automatic Runoff voting) and IP 19, from Oregon Election Reform Coalition (which is a Final Five Open Primary, using RCV or STAR in the general). LWVOR supports IP 19, now by way of a new League position on Open Primaries adopted by concurrence at our May 2023 convention.
VOLUNTEERS NEEDED. Worthy causes go unaddressed for lack of League volunteers. If you see a need and can offer your expertise, please contact our staff at lwvor@lwvor.org.