Legislative Report - Week of 6/26

Governance Team
Coordinator: Norman Turrill
Campaign Finance Reform: Norman Turrill
Cybersecurity Privacy, Election Issues, Electronic Portal Advisory Board: Becky Gladstone
Election Systems: Barbara Klein
Redistricting: Norman Turrill, Chris Cobey
Voting Rights of Incarcerated People: Marge Easley
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By Norman Turrill, Governance Coordinator, and Team
Campaign Finance
In the final days of the Legislative session, only one bill, SB 166 Enrolled, passed that included many subjects. It also included a CFR aggregate annual contribution limit of $100 cash. We understand that this was a result of huge contributions given to the Democratic Party of Oregon and others in cash. Cash is, of course, untraceable.
SB 166 Enrolled also included a provision that will help all initiative campaigns, allowing single signature e-sheets to only be signed once. Currently, these petitions have to be signed a second time to certify the signature above. This bill is effective immediately upon signing by the Governor.
People Not Politicians has started collecting signatures on IP 14 sheets, downloadable from its website. Thousands of signatures have already been collected, but more donations are needed.
Cybersecurity and Privacy
By Rebecca Gladstone
These nine bills all passed in the final hectic flurry after the 43-day Senate walkout. We worked several of these concepts over numerous sessions and they all reflect awareness of privacy and cybersecurity. They now await a signature by the Governor.
HB 2107 Enrolled: The League supports this improvement in government efficiency, adding those served by the Oregon Health Plan through the Oregon Health Authority to automatic voter registration, expanding Oregon #MotorVoter. This brings the No Wrong Door health care concept of safety nets, networking services to support individuals, a step closer to “you’re in the right place and we are here to help you.” Now we should work on the underperforming party registration postcards.
SB 166 Enrolled: This bill clarifies protecting ballot secrecy, election workers, the right to vote, and cybersecurity plans. Our elections are critical infrastructure and merit the League’s priority rating. We urged expanding these protections by amendment to address privacy and harassment concerns. See other report section for other bill features added as amendments.
HB 3073 Enrolled: See our testimony in support of candidate and incumbent home address privacy. Certifying candidate filing depends on verifying in-district residence with a home address, but it needn’t be publicized. It will still be available through public records requests.
HB 2049 Enrolled defends our critical infrastructures, which remain at stake (our testimony). The adopted Cybersecurity Center of Excellence was severely short funded, with only $4.9M of the $15M requested. This was in spite of the global cyber-attack (see LWVOR Newsroom, Oregon DMV Data Breach could affect 3.5 million Oregonians). This effort had full committee support during this and the 2022 session.
HB 2490 Enrolled: See our testimony in support of protecting our cybersecurity defense plans from public disclosure.
HB 2806 Enrolled: See our testimony to support updating statute for cybersecurity, privacy and safety of executive sessions, public meetings, and our critical infrastructures.
HB 3127 A: This “TikTok” bill relates to security of state assets and social media access. We plan to develop coverage with a growing League youth perspective.
The League has attended the Consumer Privacy Task Force since 2019, this from the DoJ on AG Rosenblum’s efforts. These two bills passed with very strong support, after not progressing last session despite strong committee urging.
SB 619 Enrolled: See our testimony in support, to protect consumers’ personal data. This was listed as “A possible walkout casualty: a privacy law for Oregonians”. For perspective, it was listed at #28 among 182 bills on the Senate June 20 roster.
HB 2052 Enrolled: See League testimony in support of this data broker registry bill, passing with strong support this session.
Election Methods
By Barbara Klein
Passage of Ranked Choice Voting referral On the last day of the legislative session, House Bill 2004-B was heard for its third reading. Even with 5 senators absent for the vote, it passed the majority mark with a sufficient 17 aye votes!
HB 2004 B refers Ranked Choice Voting (RCV) to November 2024 ballots. It would establish RCV as the voting method for selecting the winner of nomination for, and election to, offices of President of the United States, United States Senator, Representative in Congress, Governor, Secretary of State, State Treasurer, and Attorney General. The Bureau of Labor and Industries Commissioner will be included, but that election is held during the primary.
LWVOR has been a strong supporter of RCV and of this bill, one of 39 Oregon organizations working in coalition towards its passage. This is a historic win for the state, and is the first time that any legislature in the United States has referred a statewide RCV bill to the ballot.
The choice will now be up to the voters in 2024. Among other organizations and along with election officials, the League will continue with voter education for a clear understanding of the method for all voters as they make their choices.
Rights of Incarcerated People
By Marge Easley
The most significant bill this session related to incarcerated individuals was SB 529, requiring a much wider range of addiction programs and services than currently exist in correctional facilities. It was signed by the Governor on May 19 and will go into effect on January 1, 2024. Three other bills passing in the waning days of the session were HB 2535, establishing a doula program for pregnant and postpartum adults in custody at Coffee Creek Correctional Facility, HB 2345, authorizing the creation of a publicly accessible dashboard related to the use of segregated housing, and SB 270, authorizing the Department of Correction to enter into agreements to offer higher education academic programs to adults in custody.
The League was disappointed that SB 579, allowing incarcerated people in Oregon to vote, did not advance this session. We will continue to advocate for passage in future sessions.
Government Ethics
By Chris Cobey
HB 2038 B: Requires a statement of economic interest to include certain information about sources of income for business in which a public official or candidate, or member of the household of a public official or candidate, is officer, holds directorship or does business under if source of income has legislative or administrative interest and 10 percent or more of total gross annual income of business comes from that source of income. Prohibits a candidate or principal campaign committee of a candidate from expending campaign moneys for professional services rendered by certain businesses required to be listed on the candidate's statement of economic interest. Creates exceptions. 6/22: passed Senate on third reading 22-2; 6/24: President, Speaker signed.
SB 168: Expressly prohibits public employees, while on job during working hours or while otherwise working in official capacity, from promoting or opposing appointment, nomination or election of public officials. Provides that public employee may communicate with separate public employee or elected official about appointment of person to public office if communication is made in furtherance of recipient's official duties relating to appointment required by Oregon Constitution or state statute. 6-15 (S) Senate concurred in House amendments and repassed bill, 22 to 0; 6-20 President and Speaker signed.