Election Methods Study Update 2023
About the Study
The LWVOR Board adopted this completed restudy on February 10th, 2023. You can find the downloadable copy of the study here.

At Convention 2021, LWV of Portland proposed a restudy of LWVOR's 2016 Election Methods Study. It would examine the STAR voting system and would last one year or less. The goal would be to inform League members about the benefits and limitations of the STAR voting option that is being promoted by a group of advocates. It would also be to determine whether or not the League could support or should oppose the adoption of STAR voting in Oregon.
The LWVOR Board adopted this completed restudy on February 10th, 2023. You can find the downloadable copy of the study here.
In May 2023, LWVOR issued a statement regarding STAR (Score Then Automatic Runoff) Voting.
Election Methods Position - Adopted 2017
The League of Women Voters of Oregon recognizes that election methods affect how voters participate in our democracy, who can run for office, and who can get elected. Therefore, the League supports election methods that:
Encourage voter participation and voter engagement.
Encourage those with minority opinions to participate.
Are easy to use.
Are verifiable and auditable.
Promote access to voting.
Promote competitive elections.
Promote sincere voting over strategic voting.
Discourage negative campaigning.
Prevent political manipulation (e.g. Gerrymandering).
Are compatible with vote-by-mail elections.
The League of Women Voters of Oregon does not believe that plurality voting is the best method for promoting democratic choice in all circumstances. For single-winner systems, the League supports ranked-choice voting; we do not support range or approval voting. The League of Women Voters of Oregon supports election systems that elect policy-making bodies–legislatures, councils, commissions, and boards–that proportionally reflect the people they represent. We support systems that promote stable government, but we do not support systems that protect the two-party system. The League of Women Voters of Oregon supports enabling legislation to allow local jurisdictions to explore alternative election methods. If an alternative election method is adopted, then funding for startup and voter education should be available. The League of Women Voters of Oregon does not support nonpartisan elections for state legislators. (Previous position) Adopted 2009 The League of Women Voters of Oregon believes that any election method should be evaluated on its ability to:
Promote voter participation.
Be simple and easy for voters to understand.
Be verifiable and auditable.
Promote access to voting.
Promote competitive elections.
Prevent political manipulation.
Be compatible with vote-by-mail elections.
The League supports enabling legislation to allow local jurisdictions to explore alternative election methods, e.g. instant runoff or fusion voting. If a local jurisdiction adopts an alternative election method, that jurisdiction should bear the costs of startup and voter education. Only after experience and evaluation at the local level should the state consider alternative election methods for statewide adoption. The League does not support nonpartisan elections for state legislators.

Positions From Other Leagues – Election Methods Update (7 pgs; pdf)
2008 – Election Methods Executive Summary (3 pgs; pdf)