LUCY ROBB (she/her)
Youth Media Director

Lucy Robb is a current senior at Jesuit High School, where she serves as ASB President and captain of the varsity mock trial team. Lucy is a leader of SAFER (Students Active For Ending Rape) club and represents the group in Jesuit’s Diversity and Inclusion Student Council. She strives to make the world a bit better every day, whether it be through waving to someone in the hallway or working for systemic change. Environmental justice, voting rights, and houselessness are all issues that are important to her.
Lucy’s open letter on the benefits of native plant lawns was selected for publication in the New York Times, encouraging sustainable practices within neighborhoods and individual homes. Outside of school, Lucy is a member of the Youth Outreach Board at Rose Haven, a local day shelter for women and children. Lucy loves to write, lift, and meet new people in her free time. Since attending the League of Women Voters national convention in June of 2024, Lucy has been working with other young league members to create a LWV National Youth Council. She is excited to advocate for voters across Oregon as a member of the LWVOR Youth Council.