Natural Resources Reports
Jan 20, 2025
Legislative Report - Week of 1/20
A League member attended virtually the Dec. 18-19 Board of Agriculture meeting. Peter Kenagy, Albany area farmer, announced the reactivation of the Ag for Oregon group who will be advocating for agricultural land use protections and address the expansion of agri-tourism.

Aug 18, 2023
Legislative Report - Sine Die
The League’s Natural Resources Team added volunteers Paula Grisafi (Toxics) and Carolyn Mayers (Wildfire) and sadly lost a member, Kathy Moyd, who worked on both Climate and Natural Resource issues and was a valuable former NASA engineer with a variety of expertise and willingness to attend meetings virtually, provide written and verbal League testimony using League positions and personal expertise.

Jun 26, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 6/26
In spite of the drama, the 2023 legislative session had more success than failure as you will see below. We hope you wait for our Sine Die Report in August—after the Governor has signed the bills—or not, for a more complete report on the bills we worked on and their outcome. HCR 38 was passed and set the process for the February 2024 short session.

Jun 12, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 6/12
LWVOR joined with others in support of HB 3229. The bill would increase federal air quality (Title V) operating permit program fees that have not been increased for many years. The bill is in the W&M Capital Construction Subcommittee where amendments are being discussed.

Jun 5, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 6/5
The end of the session may be seen soon, although the official sine die is June 25th... (Oops! “Sine die” doesn’t pass the reading test…it’s "end of the session" I should use.) Bills are stacking up in the Senate as there is still no quorum to be able to vote on those bills—policies and budgets. If there is no resolution by the 25, look for a special session before the Sept. 15t deadline when many agencies will be unfunded.

May 29, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 5/29
It’s mostly about budgets now, unless the Senate Republicans return to vote on policy bills awaiting a Senate chamber vote. Of interest is a new strategy of creating large budget bills combining a number of policy bills that need funding. Look for “packages” in this report’s Budget section. The latest word is W&Ms may finish by June 9th and then will wait for a return of Senators to the Senate chamber for a quorum. Otherwise, adjournment is June 25.

May 22, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 5/22
With Policy Committees closed from moving bills out of committee (except for Rules, Revenue and Joint Committees), watch for interesting information sessions—to learn more about current issues and potential future ones. We continue to wait for a climate package and a water package, as well as most natural resource agency budgets to be scheduled. The League continues to advocate for the slew of bills in Ways and Means we supported earlier in session and listed in this report.

May 15, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 5/15
We’ve got money! The May 17 Revenue Forecast declared an additional $1.96 billion available for the 2023-25 session. And the crazy “kicker” is up to about $5.5 billion!! It could be about 50% of your 2023 Oregon taxes—shown up as a credit in 2024! Now we’ll see what the legislature does with all that money! We expect a package of climate bills and a water package. The League will advocate for the slew of bills in Ways and Means we supported earlier in session.

May 8, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 5/8
The League is scrambling to address good bills we want to pass and bad bills we hope will die. And some bills we want to amend to make them better or not worse! Deadlines are near—as is the end of session! We continue to wait for the May 17 Revenue Forecast. There are, of course, a slew of bills waiting for funding decisions in Ways and Means.

May 1, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 5/1
The House voted out two of the session’s contentious bills: HB 2002 related to health care and HB 2005 related to gun safety. They now head to the Senate where a walkout on May 3 has delayed voting on these bills. Agency budgets are moving to chambers for a vote. Policy bills had a May 5 Work Session scheduling deadline (but the bills have until May 19 to be “worked”). Now we wait for the May 17 Revenue Forecast. There are, of course, a slew of bills awaiting funding decisions in Ways and Means.

Apr 24, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 4/24
Unless policy bills have headed to Ways and Means, we are watching them move to the second chamber. A few will see additional amendments, but most will simply have quick hearings, work sessions, and then will go to the second chamber for a vote. However, the Senate is still reading all bills and some Senators are using a number of delay tactics so the passage of bills out of the Senate chamber is very slow. The next policy bill deadline is May 5 to schedule a Work Session and May 19 for the bill to move out of committee to the second chamber.

Mar 13, 2023
Legislative Report - Week of 3/13
St. Patrick’s Day has passed. And so has the chance for many of the more than 2,800 bills and resolutions introduced to pass this session. Bills in most policy committees needed to be scheduled for a Work Session by end of day on March 17 unless they are in Revenue, Rules or a Joint Committee.